Confectionately Yours

“When we tasted Sue Burns’ Northwest Gourmet toffee (and then tasted it again, just to be sure), we knew we had discovered something special. Burns assumed the torch of the Bothell-based wholesale toffee business that her husband’s great-aunt ran for more than 40 years after the aunt retired at age 81. Thanks to Burns, this gourmet toffee—with its big almond chunks and dark chocolate layered on both sides of the hard, buttery sweetness inside—is still alive and well at Metropolitan ( and Town & Country ( markets.”
Jess Thomson, Cody Bay, and Taneeka Hansen
“All You Can Sweet”
Seattle Magazine
February 2013

Smeared with thick chocolate and loaded with almonds, Confectionately Yours' English Toffee explodes in a buttery shatter between the teeth. Sure, it might be a little sticky--but it's a delicious way to be remembered.
Jess Thomson
Edible Seattle
November/December 2011